Course Description

This course is not only for Dark-Field Microscopy, it also includes Physiological Testing and Nutritional Guidelines. Dark-field Microscopy of Living Cells Dark-field microscopy is used because it produces high contrast images without staining. Staining blood will destroy it's activity. Dark-field Microscopy is a method of evaluating blood while it is biologically active. Blood is obtained by the finger-stick method under sterile conditions and observed using Dark-Field microscopy. There are many cells and substances that can be seen in biologically active blood, including lipids, indicators of toxicity, oxidation, etc. The Dark-Field microscope is an important tool used to evaluate candida albicans overgrowth. This book also covers physiological testing. Dr. Allocca is a highly credentialed, experienced, and honored scientist. The information taught can be found in medical books. Dr. Allocca has been teaching this course for more than 30 years. The Course includes Physiological Testing and Nutritional Guidelines

Course curriculum

    1. Introduction

    2. An Alternative or In Addition to Dark-Field Microscopy

    3. Parts of the Microscope

    4. Collecting and Preparing Specimens

    5. Dark-Field Identification

    6. Hidden Infections

    7. Microscope Recommendations

    8. Microphotography

    9. CPT Codes

    10. Blood Pressure

    11. Body Temperature

    12. Zinc Sulfate Heptahydrate Test

    13. Urinalysis

    14. Urinalysis Form 1 Download

    15. Urinalysis Form 2 Download

    16. Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA)

    17. Blood Glucose

    18. Peripheral Vascular Sonography

    19. Physiological Testing Equipment and Supplies

    20. Nutritional Guidelines

    21. BrainicityTM Brain Biofield Enhancement

    22. Orthomolecular Assessment and Reprogramming Software

    23. Dark-Field Microscopy and Physiological Testing Training Manual Download

    24. Dark-Field Microscopy Video Download

    25. Microscopy Form Download

    26. Final Exam Download

About this course

  • $299.00
  • 26 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

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